Has there been any time over the past year when you thought you should get medical care, but you did not?

Conceptual Variable

Has there been any time over the past year when you thought you should get medical care, but you did not?
Dataset Variable Valid Invalid Min First Quartile Median Third Quartile Max Mean StdDev
Wave I In-Home Interview Data H1GH26 20,705 40 0 1
Wave II In-Home Interview H2GH28 14,730 8 0 1
Wave III In-Home Interview H3HS6 15,172 25 0 1
Wave IV In-Home Interview H4HS4 15,696 5 0 1
Wave V Mixed-Mode Survey H5ID11 12,255 45 0 1
Wave I In-School Questionnaire Data S65 80,000 10,118 0 1