Non-Relationship, Non-Romantic Partner: Did you and {INITIALS} use more than one birth control method at the same time, or did you use these methods at different times? (if intercourse has occurred more than once but during only one month, partner 1)

Conceptual Variable

Non-Relationship, Non-Romantic Partner: Did you and {INITIALS} use more than one birth control method at the same time, or did you use these methods at different times? (if intercourse has occurred more than once but during only one month, partner 1)
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Wave I Wave II
Wave I In-Home Interview Wave II In-Home Interview
Wave I In-Home Interview Data Wave II In-Home Interview
H1NR33_1 H2NR52_1
you used more than one method at the same time
you used only one method at a time, but the method you choose was different from time to time
you used only one method at a time, but the method you chose was different from time to time
sometimes you used only one method, and sometimes you used more than one
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Wave I Wave II
Wave I In-Home Interview Wave II In-Home Interview
Wave I In-Home Interview Data Wave II In-Home Interview
H1NR33_1 H2NR52_1
you used more than one method at the same time
you used only one method at a time, but the method you choose was different from time to time
you used only one method at a time, but the method you chose was different from time to time
sometimes you used only one method, and sometimes you used more than one
Dataset Variable Valid Invalid Min First Quartile Median Third Quartile Max Mean StdDev
Wave I In-Home Interview Data H1NR33_1 58 20,687 1 3
Wave II In-Home Interview H2NR52_1 59 14,679 1 3
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Wave I Wave II
Wave I In-Home Interview Wave II In-Home Interview
Wave I In-Home Interview Data Wave II In-Home Interview
H1NR33_1 H2NR52_1
you used more than one method at the same time 1 1
you used only one method at a time, but the method you choose was different from time to time 2
you used only one method at a time, but the method you chose was different from time to time 2
sometimes you used only one method, and sometimes you used more than one 3 3