Conceptual Variable Group

Physical Activity
Conceptual Variables
Name Label
732 During the past week, how many times did you go roller-blading, roller-skating, skate-boarding, or bicycling?
733 In the past seven days, how many times did you bicycle, skateboard, dance, hike, hunt, or do yard work?
735 During the past week, how many times did you exercise, such as jogging, walking, karate, jumping rope, gymnastics or dancing?
736 In the past seven days, how many times did you walk for exercise?
738 In the past 24 hours, have you participated in vigorous physical activity long enough to work up a sweat, get your heart thumping, or get out of breath?
739 At what time in the past 24 hours did you last finish participating in vigorous physical activity? hour
740 At what time in the past 24 hours did you last finish participating in vigorous physical activity? Minute
741 At what time in the past 24 hours did you last finish participating in vigorous physical activity? am/pm
745 In the past seven days, how many times did you roller blade, roller skate, downhill ski, snow board, play racquet sports, or do aerobics?
747 In the past seven days, how many times did you play golf, go fishing or bowling, or play softball or baseball?
752 In the past seven days, how many times did you go to an exercise or fitness center to exercise or work out?
756 In the past seven days, how many times did you participate in gymnastics, weight lifting, or strength training?
757 Were the past seven days typical in terms of your physical activity?
766 On the average, how many hours did you spend each time you participated in such a sports activity in the last seven days?
6205 How many times in a normal week do you work, play, or exercise hard enough to make you sweat and breathe heavily?