Conceptual Variable Group

Conceptual Variables
Name Label
4771 How positive or negative would it be if you had more fun as a result of binge drinking?
4772 How positive or negative would it be if people thought you were an alcoholic as a result of binge drinking?
4773 How positive or negative would it be if you could relax better as a result of binge drinking?
4774 How positive or negative would it be if your close friends thought you were cool as a result of binge drinking?
4775 How positive or negative would it be if it were easier for you to socialize as a result of binge drinking?
4776 How positive or negative would it be if you got sick and had hangovers as a result of binge drinking?
4777 How positive or negative would it be if you damaged your health as a result of binge drinking?
4778 How positive or negative would it be if you tended to lose control of yourself as a result of binge drinking?
4779 How positive or negative would it be if you lost your inhibitions as a result of binge drinking?
4780 How positive or negative would it be if it were easier for you to meet new people as a result of binge drinking?
4781 If you thought about going out and binge drinking (even if you don't currently do this), how excited would you feel?
4782 If you thought about going out and binge drinking (even if you don't currently do this), how pleased would you feel?
4783 If you thought about going out and binge drinking (even if you don't currently do this), how nervous would you feel?
4784 If you thought about going out and binge drinking (even if you don't currently do this), how aroused or "pumped up" would you feel?
4785 How positively or negatively do you feel about your engaging in binge drinking?
4788 Of your three best friends, how many binge drink at least once a month?
4789 How favorable or unfavorably do you feel about your engaging in binge drinking?
4795 How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Binge drinking would allow me to have fun.
4796 How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Binge drinking would make people think I am an alcoholic.
4797 How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Binge drinking would help me relax better.
4798 How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Binge drinking would make my close friends think I was cool.
4799 How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Binge drinking would make it easier for me to socialize.
4800 How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Binge drinking would make me get sick or get a hangover.
4801 How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Binge drinking would damage my health.
4802 How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Binge drinking would make me lose control of myself.
4803 How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Binge drinking would make me lose my inhibitions.
4804 How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Binge drinking would make it easier to meet new people.
4805 How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If I wanted, I could get alcohol so I could go binge drinking.
4806 How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It would be hard for me to go binge drinking even if I wanted to.
4807 Please complete the following sentences to reflect your opinion most accurately. A {MAN/WOMAN} who binge drinks probably is _____. [intelligent]
4808 Please complete the following sentences to reflect your opinion most accurately. A {MAN/WOMAN} who binge drinks probably is _____. [popular]
4809 Please complete the following sentences to reflect your opinion most accurately. A {MAN/WOMAN} who binge drinks probably is _____. [immature]
4810 Please complete the following sentences to reflect your opinion most accurately. A {MAN/WOMAN} who binge drinks probably is _____. [confident]
4811 Please complete the following sentences to reflect your opinion most accurately. A {MAN/WOMAN} who binge drinks probably is _____. [independent]
4812 Please complete the following sentences to reflect your opinion most accurately. A {MAN/WOMAN} who binge drinks probably is _____. [careful]
4813 Please complete the following sentences to reflect your opinion most accurately. A {MAN/WOMAN} who binge drinks probably is _____. [attractive]
4814 Please complete the following sentences to reflect your opinion most accurately. A {MAN/WOMAN} who binge drinks probably is _____. [considerate]
4815 Please complete the following sentences to reflect your opinion most accurately. A {MAN/WOMAN} who binge drinks probably is _____. [self-centered]