condoms, withdrawl, rhythm ( safe time) or safe period by the calendar
condoms, withdrawl, rhythm ( safe time) or safe period by the calendar
1 condoms
2 withdrawl
3 rhythm ( safe time) or safe period by the calendar
4 natural family planning or safe period by temperature (basal body temperature) or cervical mucus test
5 birth control pills (the pill)
6 vaginal sponge
7 spermicidal foam, jelly, creme, suppositories
8 diaphragm, with or without jelly or cream
10 female condom
11 IUD (intrauterine device), coil, loop
12 the implant of Norplant
13 ring
14 the injectable or Depo Provera
16 female sterilization or tubal ligation
17 hysterectomy
18 vasectomy
19 emergency contraception, such as a high-dose birth controll pills or the morning-after pill
20 some other method
21 no other method