Wave II

Series Description


Wave II


The second wave surveyed almost 15,000 of the same students one year after Wave I. The sample for the Wave II in-home interview comprised the respondents to the Wave I in-home interview, with the following exceptions:

  • Respondents who were in the 12th grade at Wave I and who were not part of the genetic sample were not interviewed at Wave II.
  • Respondents who were in only the Wave I disabled sample were not re-interviewed.
  • An additional 65 adolescents who were members of the genetic sample and who had not been interviewed at Wave I were recruited at Wave II.

In-Home Interview: Wave II

Wave II in-home interviews took place from April through August 1996. The interview was generally similar to that at Wave I. Questions about sun exposure and more detailed nutrition questions were added. Questions about attributes that should not change, such as ethnic background, were not repeated. Physical and functional limitations questions were omitted because the disabled sample was not re-interviewed. Respondents reported their height and weight during the course of the interview and were actually weighed and measured by the interviewer.
