Conceptual Variable Group

Conceptual Variables
Name Label
772 Do you use a physical fitness or recreation center in your neighborhood?
4183 Indicate whether the following statement is true for you: You know most of the people in your neighborhood.
4184 Indicate whether the following statement is true for you: In the past month, you have stopped on the street to talk with someone who lives in your neighborhood.
4185 Indicate whether the following statement is true for you: People in this neighborhood look out for each other.
4186 Do you feel safe in your neighborhood?
4187 On the whole, how happy are you with living in your neighborhood?
4188 If, for any reason, you had to move from here to some other neighborhood, how happy or unhappy would you be?
6270 Please tell me whether each of the following statements is true with regard to your present neighborhood. Your household lives here because this neighborhood is close to a place where you (or your spouse or partner) used to work.
6271 Please tell me whether each of the following statements is true with regard to your present neighborhood. You live here because this neighborhood is close to a place where you (or your spouse or partner) work now.
6272 Please tell me whether each of the following statements is true with regard to your present neighborhood. You moved to this neighborhood because you had outgrown your previous housing.
6273 Please tell me whether each of the following statements is true with regard to your present neighborhood. You live in this neighborhood because you can afford better housing here than you could afford in other neighborhoods.
6274 Please tell me whether each of the following statements is true with regard to your present neighborhood. You live here because there is less crime in this neighborhood than there is in other neighborhoods.
6275 Please tell me whether each of the following statements is true with regard to your present neighborhood. You live here because there is less drug use and other illegal activity by adolescents in this neighborhood.
6276 Please tell me whether each of the following statements is true with regard to your present neighborhood. You live here because this neighborhood is close to your friends or to your relatives.
6277 Please tell me whether each of the following statements is true with regard to your present neighborhood. You live here because the schools here are better than they are in other neighborhoods.
6278 Please tell me whether each of the following statements is true with regard to your present neighborhood. You live in this neighborhood because there are children here who are the same ages as children in your household.
6279 Please tell me whether each of the following statements is true with regard to your present neighborhood. You (or your spouse or partner) were born in this neighborhood.
6280 Which ONE statement describes the most important reason why you live in this neighborhood?
6281 If you saw a neighbor's child getting into trouble, would you tell your neighbor about it?
6282 If a neighbor saw your child getting into trouble, would your neighbor tell you about it?
6283 In this neighborhood, how big a problem is litter or trash on the streets and sidewalks?
6284 In this neighborhood, how big a problem are drug dealers and drug users?
6285 How much would you like to move away from this neighborhood?