Considering all types of sexual activity, with how many male partners have you ever had sex?

Conceptual Variable

Considering all types of sexual activity, with how many male partners have you ever had sex?
Considering all types of sexual activity, with how many male partners have you ever had sex?Wave IV In-Home InterviewH4SE13Wave V Mixed-Mode SurveyH5SE7
Dataset Variable Valid Invalid Min First Quartile Median Third Quartile Max Mean StdDev
Wave IV In-Home Interview H4SE13 15,248 453 0 0 1 6 800 5.41316894018888 14.6388164004967
Wave V Mixed-Mode Survey H5SE7 11,065 1,235 0 0 1 6 999 5.56159060099413 18.7885546632663

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