

If Q5 > 0, ask Q22, else skip to Q23. If Q15 not equal 6, 8 or Q16 = 1 or Q17 = 1 or Q18 not equal 6, 8 or Q19 = 1 or Q20 = 1 then ask Q22 and then display 'You said that...' (If Q15 not equal 6, 8 then show: after waking up, you have your first cigarette [fill Q15]. If Q16 = 1 then show: you find it difficult not to smoke cigarettes in places where it is forbidden. If Q17 = the first in the morning then show: you would most hate to give up first cigarette in the morning. If Q18 not equal 6, 8 then show: you smoke [fill Q18] cigarettes a day. If Q19 = 1 then show: you smoke more frequently just after awakening. If Q20 = 1 then show: you smoke cigarettes even when you are ill.) Else skip to Q23.

Question Text
  1. Do you still have any of these smoking experiences?
Representation Type
Code List
Selection Style
Measurement Unit
