Which of the following children's health problems has a doctor told you that <CHILD> has? epilepsy or convulsions or seizures without fever
Has a doctor ever told you that this child has or had any of these conditions? (Epilepsy, convulsions or seizures without fever)
Has a doctor ever told you that this child has or had any of these conditions? (Epilepsy, convulsions or seizures without fever) (first child)
Has a doctor ever told you that this child has or had any of these conditions? (Epilepsy, convulsions or seizures without fever) (second child)
Has a doctor ever told you that this child has or had any of these conditions? (Epilepsy, convulsions or seizures without fever) (third child)
Has a doctor ever told you that this child has or had any of these conditions? (Epilepsy, convulsions or seizures without fever) (fourth child)
Has a doctor ever told you that this child has or had any of these conditions? (Epilepsy, convulsions or seizures without fever) (fifth child)
Has a doctor ever told you that this child has or had any of these conditions? (Epilepsy, convulsions or seizures without fever) (sixth child)