adopted/adopted; both kids adopted, adopted/bio; one kid adopted, the other kid biological, a pair of aunt/uncle and nephew/niece
adopted/adopted; both kids adopted, adopted/bio; one kid adopted, the other kid biological, a pair of aunt/uncle and nephew/niece
AA adopted/adopted; both kids adopted
AB adopted/bio; one kid adopted, the other kid biological
AU a pair of aunt/uncle and nephew/niece
CO cousin pairs
DZ DZ (fraternal) twins
FO foster children (either one or both respondents are foster children)
FS full sibling pairs
GH not related pairs living in a group home
HS half-sibling pairs
IL pairs who are in-laws (i.e., living with a sister/brother's spouse or boy/girlfriend)
MZ MZ (identical) twins
NR not related pairs who are NOT step sibs, adopted sibs, cousins, etc.
SP spousal (or boy/girlfriend) pairs
SS step sibling pairs (includes blended families whose parents are not married, but are living together)
UD twin pairs, uncertain zygosity