Conceptual Variable Group

Sexual History
Conceptual Variables
Name Label
1494 Has <PARTNER> performed oral sex on you on one or more than one occasion?
1495 Have you performed oral sex on <PARTNER> on one or more than one occasion?
1592 In what month did <PARTNER> most recently perform anal sex on you?
1593 In what year did <PARTNER> most recently perform anal sex on you?
1621 Have you performed anal sex on <PARTNER> on one or more than one occasion?
1729 In what month did your sexual relationship with <PARTNER> begin?
1730 In what year did your sexual relationship with <PARTNER> begin?
1782 In what month did <PARTNER> perform anal sex on you?
1783 In what year did <PARTNER> perform anal sex on you?
1790 In what month did you most recently perform anal sex on <PARTNER>?
1791 In what year did you most recently perform anal sex on <PARTNER>?
1837 Have you ever had vaginal intercourse with <PARTNER>?
1838 In what month did you have vaginal intercourse with <PARTNER>?
1839 In what year did you have vaginal intercourse with <PARTNER>?
1840 On average, how often do you have vaginal intercourse with <PARTNER>? (Number)
1841 On average, how often do you have vaginal intercourse with <PARTNER>? (Times per day, per week, per month, per year)
1844 Has <PARTNER> ever performed oral sex on you? That is, has <PARTNER> ever put {HIS/HER} mouth on your penis (genitals [sex organs])?
1845 Have you ever performed oral sex on <PARTNER>? That is, have you ever put your mouth on his penis (her genitals [sex organs])?
1846 In what month did <PARTNER> perform oral sex on you?
1847 In what year did <PARTNER> perform oral sex on you?
1848 In what month did <PARTNER> most recently perform oral sex on you?
1849 In what year did <PARTNER> most recently perform oral sex on you?
1850 In what month did you perform oral sex on <PARTNER>?
1851 In what year did you perform oral sex on <PARTNER>?
1852 In what month did you most recently perform oral sex on <PARTNER>?
1853 In what year did you most recently perform oral sex on <PARTNER>?
1854 On average, how often does <PARTNER> perform oral sex on you? (number)
1855 On average, how often does <PARTNER> perform oral sex on you? (Times per day, per week, per month, or per year)
1856 On average, how often do you perform oral sex on <PARTNER>? (Number)
1857 On average, how often do you perform oral sex on <PARTNER>? (Times per day, per week, per month, or per year)
1862 Have you and <PARTNER> had anal sex on one or more than one occasion?
1863 On average, how often does <PARTNER> perform anal sex on you? (number)
1864 On average, how often does <PARTNER> perform anal sex on you? (Times per day, per week, per month, or per year)
1865 On average, how often do you perform anal sex on <PARTNER>? (number)
1866 On average, how often do you perform anal sex on <PARTNER>? (times per day, times per week, times per month, or times per year)
1872 When you and <PARTNER> have sexual relations, how often do you have an orgasm--that is, climax or come?
1873 As far as you know, during the time you and <PARTNER> have had a sexual relationship, has <PARTNER> had any other sexual partners?
1874 During the time you and { initials } (have had/had) a sexual relationship (have/did) you ever (had/have) any other sexual partners?
1928 How long had you known <PARTNER> when you first had vaginal intercourse with {HIM/HER}?
1929 How long had you known <PARTNER> when {HE/SHE} first performed oral sex on you?
1930 How long had you known <PARTNER> when you first performed oral sex on {HIM/HER}?
1931 How long had you known <PARTNER> when he first performed anal sex on you?
1932 How long had you known <PARTNER> when you first performed anal sex on {HIM/HER}?
3475 How long had you been in a sexual relationship with <PARTNER> when the two of you began to live together? (number)
3476 How long had you been in a sexual relationship with <PARTNER> when the two of you began to live together? (Years, months, or days)
4708 How often have you insisted on or made <PARTNER> have sexual relations with you when {HE/SHE} didn't want to?
4709 How often has <PARTNER> insisted on or made you have sexual relations with {HIM/HER} when you didn't want to?
5758 On average, how often do you have sexual relations with your partner? (times per month)
5760 During the time you and your partner have had a sexual relationship, has/did you ever had/have any other sexual partners?
6600 Have you ever had oral sex? That is, has a partner ever put his/her mouth on your sex organs or you put your mouth on his/her sex organs?