Conceptual Variable Group

Conceptual Variables
Name Label
2249 Total score on number recall task
2250 How many words on the Word List did the respondent remember during the 90-second recall period?
2251 How many words on the Word List did the respondent remember during the 60-second recall period?
2252 How many words not on the Word List did the respondent name during the 90-second recall period?
2253 How many words not on the Word List did the respondent name during the 60-second recall period?
2254 How many words on the Word List did the respondent repeat during the 90-second recall period?
2255 How many words on the Word List did the respondent repeat during the 60-second recall period?
5425 Did any of the following happen? Interruption during memory task? 90 sec task
5426 Did any of the following happen? Interruption during memory task? 60 sec task
5428 Interviewer: 2-4 (4-2) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?
5429 Interviewer: 5-7 (7-5) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?
5430 Interviewer: 6-2-9 (9-2-6) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?
5431 Interviewer: 4-1-5 (5-1-4) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?
5432 Interviewer: 3-2-7-9 (9-7-2-3) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?
5433 Interviewer: 4-9-6-8 (8-6-9-4) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?
5434 Interviewer: 1-5-2-8-6 (6-8-2-5-1) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?
5435 Interviewer: 6-1-8-4-3 (3-4-8-1-6) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?
5436 Interviewer: 5-3-9-4-1-8 (8-1-4-9-3-5) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?
5437 Interviewer: 7-2-4-8-5-6 (6-5-8-4-2-7) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?
5438 Interviewer: 8-1-2-9-3-6-5 (5-6-3-9-2-1-8) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?
5439 Interviewer: 4-7-3-9-1-2-8 (8-2-1-9-3-7-4) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?
5440 Interviewer: 9-4-3-7-6-2-5-8 (8-5-2-6-7-3-4-9) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?
5441 Interviewer: 7-2-8-1-9-6-5-3 (3-5-6-9-1-8-2-7) Did respondent accurately repeat the set backwards?