Adventist, AME, AME Zion, CME, Assemblies of God
Adventist, AME, AME Zion, CME, Assemblies of God
1 Adventist
2 AME, AME Zion, CME
3 Assemblies of God
5 Baptist
6 Buddhist
7 Catholic
8 Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
9 Christian Science
10 Congregational
11 Eastern Orthodox
12 Episcopal
13 Friends/Quaker
14 Hindu
15 Holiness
16 Islam, Moslem, Muslim
17 Jehovah�s Witness
18 Jewish (Conservative, Reformed, Orthodox, or Reconstructionist)
19 Latter Day Saints (Mormon)
20 Lutheran
21 Methodist
23 other Protestant
24 other religion
25 Pentecostal
26 Presbyterian
27 Unitarian
28 none