Conceptual Variable Group

Conceptual Variables
Name Label
5041 Are you currently working for pay for at least 10 hours a week?
5042 Are you still working at the first paying job you ever had where you worked for 10 hours or more a week?
5044 Have you ever worked for nine weeks or more at a paying job that was at least 10 hours a week?
5045 Since you left your first full-time job, have you had another paying job that was at least 10 hours per week?
5046 Was your first paying job full time (35 hours a week or more) or part time (less than 35 but more than 10 hours a week)?
5047 Have you ever worked full time at least 35 hours a week at a paying job while you were not primarily a student?
5050 How long did you work at your first full time job (in years and months)? (Years)
5051 How long did you work at your first full time job (in years and months)? (Months)
5067 At any time in the past 12 months, did social services or a welfare office provide job training, a Job Club, a job search program, or anything else to help you try to get a job?
5068 Thinking back over the period from 2001 to the previous year how many total jobs have you had?
5069 Thinking back over the period from 2001 to the previous year, how many times have you been fired, let go or laid off from a job?
5076 In the last 4 weeks, did you work--for pay--for anyone outside your home?
5077 In 1995, when you were <AGEIN95> years old, did you work for pay?
5078 Did you work the entire year [in 1995]?
5079 When you worked in 1995, did you work mostly full time (35 hours a week or more for one employer) or part time (less than 35 hours a week for any one employer)?
5080 In 1996 when you were <AGEIN96> years old, did you work for pay?
5081 Did you work the entire year [in 1996]?
5082 When you worked in 1996, did you work mostly full time (35 hours a week or more for one employer) or part time (less than 35 hours a week for any one employer)?
5083 In 1997, when you were <AGEIN97> years old, did you work for pay?
5084 Did you work the entire year [in 1997]?
5085 When you worked in 1997, did you work mostly full time (35 hours a week or more for one employer) or part time (less than 35 hours a week for any one employer)?
5086 In 1998, when you were <AGEIN98> years old, did you work for pay?
5087 Did you work the entire year [in 1998]?
5088 When you worked in 1998, did you work mostly full time (35 hours a week or more for one employer) or part time (less than 35 hours a week for any one employer)?
5089 In 1999, when you were <AGEIN99> years old, did you work for pay?
5090 Did you work the entire year [in 1999]?
5091 When you worked in 1999, did you work mostly full time (35 hours a week or more for one employer) or part time (less than 35 hours a week for any one employer)?
5092 In 2000, did you work for pay?
5093 Did you work the entire year [in 2000]?
5094 Did you work mostly full time or part time [in 2000]?
5095 Since the beginning of 2001, have you worked for pay?
5096 Have you worked continuously since the beginning of the year [2001]?
5097 Have you worked mostly full time or part time [since 2001]?
5098 How old were you when you began your FIRST paying job that lasted for nine weeks or more and where you worked at least 10 hours a week?
5480 Are you currently working for pay?