Conceptual Variable

How many hours of sleep do you usually get?
How many hours of sleep do you usually get?Wave I In-Home Interview DataH1GH51Wave II In-Home InterviewH2GH44Wave V Mixed-Mode SurveyH5ID15
Dataset Variable Valid Invalid Min First Quartile Median Third Quartile Max Mean StdDev
Wave I In-Home Interview Data H1GH51 20,676 69 0 7 8 8 20 7.72359257109694 1.43504810841366
Wave II In-Home Interview H2GH44 14,705 33 1 7 8 8 24 7.58769126147569 1.42602243922243
Wave V Mixed-Mode Survey H5ID15 12,277 23 0 6 7 8 56 6.74830984768266 1.47180178945417

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