You or <PARTNER> moved away for school/job/service, You or <PARTNER> started a relationship with someone else, You and/or <PARTNER> tired of the other, fell out of love, grew apart
You or
1 You or <PARTNER> moved away for school/job/service
2 You or <PARTNER> started a relationship with someone else
3 You and/or <PARTNER> tired of the other, fell out of love, grew apart
4 You and/or <PARTNER> was abusive
5 Relationship had too much conflict, not getting along
6 You and/or <PARTNER> found out something unacceptable about the other
7 Unplanned pregnancy
8 One partner wanted the relationship to be more serious/committed than the other did (e.g., move in together, get engaged )
9 One partner wanted the relationship to be less committed (e.g., start seeing other people)
10 One partner lied or was unfaithful
11 <PARTNER> died
12 One p artner w as sent to jail or prison
13 other