Conceptual Variable Group

Public Assistance
Conceptual Variables
Name Label
5204 During any part of {2000/2001} did you receive income from the following sources? Please include all your sources of income and financial assistance, even if they did not cover the entire year. food stamps
5205 During any part of {2000/2001} did you receive income from the following sources? Please include all your sources of income and financial assistance, even if they did not cover the entire year. AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children), public assistance, welfare, or a state TANF program
5230 Are you familiar with the laws in your state or county regarding the receipt of welfare or TANF?
5231 Are you currently getting AFDC, public assistance, or welfare?
5232 Between January 2001 and now, was there any time when you stopped receiving AFDC, public assistance, or welfare?
5233 The last time you stopped receiving aid, did the welfare office cut you off, or was it your decision to leave welfare?
5234 Why did you leave welfare? got a job
5235 Why did you leave welfare? working the same job but working more hours or got a raise
5236 Why did you leave welfare? got a better job
5237 Why did you leave welfare? got married or remarried
5238 Why did you leave welfare? moved in with a partner in a marriage-like relationship
5239 Why did you leave welfare? moved in with family
5240 Why did you leave welfare? moved to another county or state
5241 Why did you leave welfare? other
5242 Why did the welfare office cut you off? earnings increased
5243 Why did the welfare office cut you off? assets were too high
5244 Why did the welfare office cut you off? did not follow program rules
5245 Why did the welfare office cut you off? reached end of time limit allowed for receiving benefits
5246 Why did the welfare office cut you off? was not a US citizen
5247 Why did the welfare office cut you off? Other
5248 Are you required to work, go to school, or do anything else to obtain public assistance now?
5249 What are you required to do [in order to obtain public assistance]? look for a job
5250 What are you required to do [in order to obtain public assistance]? work in a paid job
5251 What are you required to do [in order to obtain public assistance]? work in an unpaid job
5252 What are you required to do [in order to obtain public assistance]? attend school or training
5253 Are you getting food stamps now?
5254 Since January 2001, was there any time when you stopped receiving food stamps?
5255 The last time that happened, did the food stamp office cut you off, or was it your decision to leave the food stamp program?
5256 Why did you leave the food stamp program? got a job
5257 Why did you leave the food stamp program? working the same job but working more hours or got a raise
5258 Why did you leave the food stamp program? got a better job
5259 Why did you leave the food stamp program? got married or remarried
5260 Why did you leave the food stamp program? moved in with a partner in a marriage-like relationship
5261 Why did you leave the food stamp program? moved in with family
5262 Why did you leave the food stamp program? moved to another county or state
5263 Why did you leave the food stamp program? other
5264 Why did the food stamp office cut you off? earnings increased
5265 Why did the food stamp office cut you off? assets were too high
5266 Why did the food stamp office cut you off? did not follow program rules
5267 Why did the food stamp office cut you off? reached end of time limit allowed for receiving benefits
5268 Why did the food stamp office cut you off? was not a US citizen
5269 Why did the food stamp office cut you off? other
5270 Have you ever received any public assistance or welfare payments other than food stamps?
5271 At any time during 2001, even for one month, {DID YOU RECEIVE HAVE YOU RECEIVED} any public assistance or welfare payments from a state or local welfare office other than food stamps?
5272 At any time during 2000, even for one month, {DID YOU RECEIVE/HAVE YOU RECEIVED} any public assistance or welfare payments from a state or local welfare office other than food stamps?
5273 At any time during 1999, even for one month, did you receive any public assistance or welfare payments from a state or local welfare office other than food stamps?
5274 At any time during 1998, even for one month, did you receive any public assistance or welfare payments from a state or local welfare office other than food stamps?
5275 At any time during 1997, even for one month, did you receive any public assistance or welfare payments from a state or local welfare office other than food stamps?
5276 At any time during 1996, even for one month, did you receive any public assistance or welfare payments from a state or local welfare office other than food stamps?
5277 At any time during 1995, even for one month, did you receive any public assistance or welfare payments from a state or local welfare office other than food stamps?
5278 {DID YOU RECEIVE/HAVE YOU RECEIVED} public assistance or welfare payments in all the months of 2001?
5279 {DID YOU RECEIVE/HAVE YOU RECEIVED} public assistance or welfare payments in all the months of 2000?
5280 Did you receive public assistance or welfare payments in all the months of 1999?
5281 Did you receive public assistance or welfare payments in all the months of 1998?
5282 Did you receive public assistance or welfare payments in all the months of 1997?
5283 Did you receive public assistance or welfare payments in all the months of 1996?
5284 Did you receive public assistance or welfare payments in all the months of 1995?
5288 Between {1995/2002} and {2006/2007/2008}, did you or others in your household receive any public assistance, welfare payments, or food stamps?
5448 Before you turned 18, did anyone in your household ever receive public assistance or welfare payments?
5449 During how much of the time before you turned 18 did anyone in your household receive this kind of help [public assistance or welfare]?
6262 Are you receiving public assistance, such as welfare?