Assembly of God, Baptist, Brethren
Assembly of God, Baptist, Brethren
2 Assembly of God
3 Baptist
4 Brethren
5 charismatic
6 Christian/"just Christian"
7 Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA)
8 Christian Science
9 Church of Christ
10 Church of God
11 Church of the Nazarene
12 Congregational
13 Disciples of Christ
14 Episcopalian/Anglican/Church of England
15 Evangelical Covenant Church
16 Evangelical Free Church
17 Four-square Gospel
19 Holiness
20 independent
21 Jehovah's Witness
22 Lutheran
23 Mennonite
24 Methodist
25 Mormon/ Latter-Day Saints
26 nondenominational or inter-denominational Protestant
27 Pentecostal
28 Presbyterian
29 Quaker/Friends
30 Reformed
31 Salvation Army
32 Unitarian/Universalist
33 United Church of Christ
34 Wesleyan Church
35 other
36 "just Protestant"
37 Seven Day Adventists
38 Orthodox
39 Catholic
40 Korean United Church
41 Atheists