Africa, America, includes Native American and Eskimo**, Austria
Africa, America, includes Native American and Eskimo**, Austria
2 Africa
5 America, includes Native American and Eskimo**
12 Austria
22 British Isles
27 Canada
30 China
33 Cuba
35 Czech Republic
36 Czechoslovakia
37 Denmark
42 El Salvador
43 England
47 Finland
48 France
49 Germany
51 Great Britain
52 Greece
56 Haiti
57 Honduras
58 Hong Kong
59 Hungary
61 India
65 Ireland/Erie
68 Jamaica
69 Japan
76 Lebanon
84 Mexico
91 Nicaragua
94 Norway
102 Philippines
103 Poland
104 Portugal
106 Russia
108 Scotland
112 Slovakia
117 Spain
124 Sweden
125 Switzerland
127 Taiwan
135 Ukraine
139 Vietnam
140 Wales
200 American Indian
201 other, ethnicity or race listed
202 other, continent or geographic area listed
300 Puerto Rico
413 West Indies excluding Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico*
416 Central America excluding El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua*
424 South America excluding Colombia, Guyana, Venezuela*
425 Colombia, Guyana, Venezuela*
433 Southeastern Asia excluding Philippines, Vietnam, and Burma*
441 Middle East, excluding Lebanon and Armenia*
447 North and South Korea*
453 Italy and Malta*
454 Belgium, Luxembourg, and Netherlands*
461 Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, and Yugoslavia*
462 all of Baltic States*
482 Pacific Islands, Australia, and Atlantic Islands*