Conceptual Variable Group

Conceptual Variables
Name Label
589 Since June 1995, have you taken any of the following drugs without a doctor's permission? sedatives or downers, such as barbiturates, sleeping pills, or Seconal
590 Since June 1995, have you taken any of the following drugs without a doctor's permission? tranquilizers, such as Librium, Valium, or Xanax
591 Since June 1995, have you taken any of the following drugs without a doctor's permission? stimulants or uppers, such as amphetamines, Preludin, or speed
592 Since June 1995, have you taken any of the following drugs without a doctor's permission? pain killers, such as Darvon, Demerol, Percodan, or Tylenol with codeine
593 Since June 1995, have you taken any of the following drugs without a doctor's permission? steroids or anabolic steroids
594 In the past year, have you used a legal performance-enhancing substance for athletes (such as Creatine, Monohydrate, or Andro)?
595 In the past year, have you used anabolic steroids or other illegal performance enhancing substances for athletes?
1081 How often did {SHE/YOU} use drugs such as marijuana, crack cocaine, or heroin? (Completed Pregnancies)
4910 During your life, how many times have you used cocaine?
4911 Since {MOLI}, how many times have you tried or used any kind of cocaine?
4912 Since {MOLI}, how many times have you used cocaine?
4913 During the past 30 days, how many times did you use cocaine?
4914 During your life, have you ever injected any illegal drug, such as heroin, or cocaine?
4915 Since {MOLI}, have you ever injected any illegal drug, such as heroin, or cocaine?
4916 How often have you taken such a drug using a needle?
4917 During the past 30 days, how often did you take an illegal drug using a needle?
4919 Have you ever shared a needle and syringe with another person?
4920 Do you always bleach the needle and syringe you are using before you use them?
4921 During your life, how many times have you used inhalants, such as glue or solvents?
4922 Since {MOLI}, how many times have you tried or used inhalants, such as glue or solvents?
4923 Since {MOLI}, how many times have you used inhalants?
4924 During the past 30 days, how many times did you use inhalants?
4925 Which one of these illegal drugs do you use most often?
4926 Have you used {favorite drug} more than 5 times in your lifetime?
4927 During the past 12 months, on how many days did you use {favorite drug}?
4928 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use {favorite drug}?
4929 Have you used {favorite drug} within the past 24 hours?
4930 At what time did you last use {favorite drug}? (hour)
4931 At what time did you last use {favorite drug}? (minute)
4932 At what time did you last use {favorite drug}? (am/pm)
4933 Was there ever a time when you used {favorite drug} more than you do now?
4934 During the period when you used {favorite drug} the most, on how many days did you use {favorite drug}?
4939 Did you continue to use {favorite drug} after you realized using it was causing you problems with family, friends, or people at work or school?
4942 Have you often used more {favorite drug} or used {favorite drug} longer than you intended?
4948 Have you ever continued to use {favorite drug} after you realized using {favorite drug} was causing you any emotional problems (such as feeling depressed or empty, feeling irritable or aggressive, feeling paranoid or confused, feeling anxious or tense, being jumpy or easily startled) or causing you any health problems (such as heart pounding, headaches or dizziness, or sexual difficulties)?
4953 Have you ever taken any prescription drugs that were not prescribed for you, taken prescription drugs in larger amounts than prescribed, more often than prescribed, for longer periods than prescribed, or taken prescription drugs that you took only for the feeling or experience they caused?
4954 Since {MOLI}, have you tried any other type of illegal drug, such as LSD, PCP, ecstasy, mushrooms, speed, ice, heroin, or pills, without a doctor's prescription?
4955 During your life, how many times have you used any of these types of illegal drugs? (LSD, PCP, ecstasy, mushrooms, speed, ice, heroin, or pills)
4956 Since {MOLI}, how many times have you used any of these types of illegal drugs? (LSD, PCP, ecstasy, mushrooms, speed, ice, heroin, or pills)
4957 During the past 30 days, how many times did you use any of these types of illegal drugs? (LSD, PCP, ecstasy, mushrooms, speed, ice, heroin, or pills)
4958 You said you have used these types of drugs {fill from list of drugs according to instructions below this question}. Which one type have you used most frequently in your lifetime?
4960 What kind of drugs had you been using [The first time you had sexual intercourse]? crack cocaine
4961 What kind of drugs had you been using [The first time you had sexual intercourse]? other types of cocaine, including freebase or powder
4962 What kind of drugs had you been using [The first time you had sexual intercourse]? inhalants, including glue or solvents
4963 What kind of drugs had you been using [The first time you had sexual intercourse]? other illegal drugs
4965 What kind of drugs had you been using [the most recent time you had sex]? crack cocaine
4966 What kind of drugs had you been using [the most recent time you had sex]? other types of cocaine, including freebase or powder
4967 What kind of drugs had you been using [the most recent time you had sex]? inhalants, including glue or solvents
4968 What kind of drugs had you been using [the most recent time you had sex]? other illegal drugs
4969 Have you driven while high on drugs?
4970 Have you been high on drugs at school?
4977 Have you used drugs while carrying a weapon, such as a gun, knife, or club?
4978 Have you ever used drugs while you were alone?
4980 Have you ever drunk alcohol when you were using drugs?
4982 The most recent time you drank alcohol when you were using drugs, what kind of drugs were you using? crack cocaine
4983 The most recent time you drank alcohol when you were using drugs, what kind of drugs were you using? other types of cocaine, including freebase or powder
4984 The most recent time you drank alcohol when you were using drugs, what kind of drugs were you using? inhalants, including glue or solvents
4985 The most recent time you drank alcohol when you were using drugs, what kind of drugs were you using? other illegal drugs
4987 Since June 1995, have you used any kind of cocaine-including crack, freebase, or powder?
4988 In the past year, have you used any kind of cocaine?
4989 Since June 1995, have you used crystal meth?
4990 In the past year, have you used crystal meth?
4991 During the past 30 days, how many times have you used crystal meth?
4992 In the past year, have you used any of these types of illegal drugs?
4993 In the past year, have you injected an illegal drug?
5001 How old were you when you tried any kind of cocaine--including powder, freebase, or crack cocaine--for the first time?
5002 How old were you the first time [you injected any illegal drug]?
5003 How old were you when you tried inhalants, such as glue or solvents, for the first time?
5004 How old were you the first time you used {favorite drug}?
5008 How old were you when you first tried any other type of illegal drug, such as LSD, PCP, ecstasy, mushrooms, speed, ice, heroin, or pills, without a doctor's prescription?
5458 Which of the following types of prescription drugs have you taken that were not prescribed for you, taken in larger amounts than prescribed, more often than prescribed, for longer periods than prescribed, or that you took only for the feeling or experience they caused? sedatives or downers, such as barbiturates, sleeping pills, Quaalude, or Seconal
5459 Which of the following types of prescription drugs have you taken that were not prescribed for you, taken in larger amounts than prescribed, more often than prescribed, for longer periods than prescribed, or that you took only for the feeling or experience they caused? tranquilizers, such as Librium, Valium, or Xanax
5460 Which of the following types of prescription drugs have you taken that were not prescribed for you, taken in larger amounts than prescribed, more often than prescribed, for longer periods than prescribed, or that you took only for the feeling or experience they caused? stimulants or uppers, such as amphetamines, prescription diet pills, Ritalin, Preludin, or speed
5461 Which of the following types of prescription drugs have you taken that were not prescribed for you, taken in larger amounts than prescribed, more often than prescribed, for longer periods than prescribed, or that you took only for the feeling or experience they caused? pain killers or opioids, such as Vicodin, OxyContin, Percocet, Demerol, Percodan, or Tylenol with codeine
5462 Have you ever used any of the following drugs? steroids, anabolic steroids or-body building drugs
5464 Have you ever used any of the following drugs? cocaine (crack, coca leaves)
5465 Have you ever used any of the following drugs? crystal meth (ice)
5466 Have you ever used any of the following drugs? other types of illegal drugs, such as LSD, PCP, ecstasy, heroin, or mushrooms; or inhalants
5565 In the past 30 days, which of the following types of prescription drugs have you taken that were not prescribed for you, taken in larger amounts than prescribed, more often than prescribed, for longer periods than prescribed, or that you took only for the feeling or experience they caused? (Sedatives or downers, such as barbiturates, sleeping pills, Quaalude, or Seconal)
5566 In the past 30 days, which of the following types of prescription drugs have you taken that were not prescribed for you, taken in larger amounts than prescribed, more often than prescribed, for longer periods than prescribed, or that you took only for the feeling or experience they caused? (Stimulants or uppers, such as amphetamines, prescription diet pills, Ritalin, Preludin, or speed)
5567 In the past 30 days, which of the following types of prescription drugs have you taken that were not prescribed for you, taken in larger amounts than prescribed, more often than prescribed, for longer periods than prescribed, or that you took only for the feeling or experience they caused? (Tranquilizers, such as Librium, Valium, or Xanax)
5568 In the past 30 days, which of the following types of prescription drugs have you taken that were not prescribed for you, taken in larger amounts than prescribed, more often than prescribed, for longer periods than prescribed, or that you took only for the feeling or experience they caused? (Pain killers or opioids, such as Vicodin, OxyContin, Percocet, Demerol, Percodan, or Tylenol with codeine)
5569 In the past 30 days, have you used any of the following drugs? (Cocaine, coca leaves)
5570 In the past 30 days, have you used any of the following drugs? (Crystal meth (ice))
5571 In the past 30 days, have you used any of the following drugs? (Heroin)
5572 In the past 30 days, have you used any of the following drugs? (Other types of illegal drugs, such as LSD, PCP, ecstasy, or mushrooms or inhalants)