
Question Text

Now I'd like to let you know that this study offers participants' spouses and partners the unique opportunity to participate in the same study. By offering [his/her] opinions and experiences, your [spouse/partner] will be making a valuable contribution to our knowledge of health issues affecting young adults in the US. You and your [spouse/partner] are one of approximately 2,000 couples across the country who would be participating. I have a letter of introduction that I'd like you to give to your partner [fill PARTNER NAME FOR CP=1 PARTNER]. [Record partner ID in the designated boxes on letter of introduction. Put letter in the envelope and give envelope to R Please ask [fill PARTNER NAME FOR CP=1 PARTNER] to read it over. When your partner completes the interview, the main office will send you a check for $20 to thank you for helping us extend this invitation to [him/ her]. If [he/ she] is here and can read over the letter, I may be able to conduct the interview now. [Record partner ID on the record of calls.] [Press enter to continue.] Action taken by respondent:
