Anabaptist, Anglican, Assembly of God
Anabaptist, Anglican, Assembly of God
1 Anabaptist
2 Anglican
3 Assembly of God
4 Baptist
5 Brethren
6 Charismatic
7 Christian
8 Christian and Missionary Alliance
9 Christian Science
10 Church of Christ
11 Church of England
12 Church of God
13 Church of the Nazarene
14 Congregational
15 Disciples of Christ
16 Episcopalian
17 Evangelical Covenant Church
18 Evangelical Free Church
19 Four-square Gospel
20 Free Methodist Church
21 Friends
22 Holiness
23 Independent
24 Jehovah's Witness
25 Just Christian
26 Just Protestant
27 Latter-Day Saints
28 Lutheran
29 Mennonite
30 Methodist
31 Mormon
32 Nondenominational or inter-denominational Protestant
33 Pentecostal
34 Presbyterian
35 Quaker
36 Reformed
37 Salvation Army
38 Unitarian
39 United Church of Christ
40 Universalist
41 Wesleyan Church
42 other